Sunday, December 29, 2019

The European Exploration Of America - 1639 Words

The discovery of America opened up the door for many people to find a new home and also a new identity. The European explorers of the late 15th and 16th centuries did not discover America; the native people had already lived and flourished there for many years. The European exploration of America is notable because it is the start of the mentality among Americans the fuels the need to travel from home in order to find oneself. Since the beginning, the settlers in America have been people who left home to find a new life where they could live successful lives. While this is a theme in all types of literature, it is one that is especially prevalent in American literature because the settlers were an entire people who left their home in search of something better. Some of those people left to find themselves in their religion or to find new ways to make money, but all in all the discovery of America was also the discovery of a new people. The sensation of discovery fueled the early expl orers, the settlers, the revolutionaries, the transcendentalists, and American people to this day. The beginning of this trend in American literature was when the first Europeans found the Americas. Christopher Columbus is regarded as the man who discovered America, when is reality he only discovered the Caribbean. Author and Professor Gerald Vizenor believes the appropriate this to say is that Columbus found the Americas because the land mass already had many people living on it and had contactShow MoreRelatedEuropean Exploration And Conquest Of Latin America1277 Words   |  6 PagesBefore European exploration and conquest in Latin America the indigenous people lived off the land working mainly to support themselves. Despite having conflicts of their own, most Latin American tribes would coexist peacefully relative to what was to come. Some, more advanced civilizations, such as the Aztec, did have conditions somewhat similar to those that would soon spread to the rest of Latin America. When European settlers started to take over the Americas, however, conditions got markedlyRead MoreEffects Of European Exploration On Europe, Africa, And The Americas1523 Words   |  7 Pages The effect of European Exploration on Europe, Africa, and the Americas Whenever you hear about the European Exploration, or ‘The Age of Discovery’’ you hear a lot about what the Europeans gained from it, while they did learn a lot from this and gather a lot of new resources they were not the only ones affected. The Age of Discovery affected more areas that just Europe, it also affected the Americas and Africa. To prove this we must first know what European Exploration is. From the 15th century toRead MoreColonization Of The United States1074 Words   |  5 PagesColonization in America has demonstrated all of the US history themes of exploration, encounter and exchange in the Americas. From the beginning of colonization, in 1492 by Christopher Columbus, to the establishment of the first American colony, Jamestown in 1607, and to the creation of the thirteen colonies, there have been countless examples of exploration, encounter and exchange. The exploration of vast waters and unchartered territory led to new and undiscovered land and America being colonizedRead MoreCauses Of The Age Of Exploration1112 Words   |  5 Pages The geographical exploration was a period of time when European states began exploring the world. The European exploration known as the Age of Discovery, or the Age of Exploration began in the early fifteenth century and extended throughout the late sixteenth century. During this time, European nations discovered new routes. This led to the discovering of trade from different places outside of Europe. Europe exploration expanded to places such as the Americas, Africa, and much of the Far East. ManyRead MoreThe Age Of Exploration : John Winthrop1546 Words   |  7 PagesMatias Marroquin Mr. Verdi History -9 26 May 2016 The Age of Exploration John Winthrop, first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony: â€Å"Touching these savages, there is a thing I cannot omit to remark to you, it is that it appears visibly that God wishes that they yield their place to new peoples.† (Crosby, Alfred W.) The Age of Exploration, (and Exploitation) brought an era of racism, nationalism, and ideals of superiority to the New World. Initially a beneficial concept, promoting trade andRead MoreEffects Of The Age Of Exploration1195 Words   |  5 PagesThe age of exploration is a period of time from the 15th century to the 18th century where exploration and new discovery grow rapidly for the Europeans. It represent a time of both good and bad when the Europeans founded new lands and colonize them, such as the New World. To them, they had greatly benefited as their power grew but for others, their land were invaded and lost many lives. The Spanish and the Portuguese are two main leaders of Europe that began the movement of exploration and colonizationRead MoreAge Of Exploration : The Promise Of Glory1188 Words   |  5 Pages Age of Exploration: The Promise of Glory I have fully upheld Delbarton’s honor code in letter and spirit. Signature: Hunter Macy Hunter Macy October 19, 2015 European History Mr. Manno Delbarton School The Age of Exploration, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, led to a myriad of expansion for European countries, namely Spain and Portugal. The rush to the New World by Portugal and Spain during the Age of Exploration, led by men such as Hernan CortesRead MoreCauses Of European Exploration754 Words   |  4 PagesEurope’s Age of Exploration and Discovery began around 1453 when the Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople, which resulted in the fall of the Byzantine Empire. This conquest cut off most European access to this area, severely limiting trade with the Middle East, especially China and India. Furthermore, Venice and the Ottoman Empire established a monopoly over trade, which irritated Europe and sparked their desire to reconnect with the East and restore direct trade relations with Asia. Europe’s desireRead MoreEuropean Colonization Of Europeans And Native Americans1503 Words   |  7 Pagescatastrophic epidemics from the European conquest. The spread of diseases between Europeans and Native Americans led to a demographic calamity. The earliest explorations from European countries introduced a plethora of diseases; these diseases hindered the Native’s population and way of life. Not only early explorations of European countries impacted the indigenous people, but the settlement and encounters with Europeans in the twentieth century did as well. Before Europeans voyaged to the New World,Read MoreThe Columbian Exchange : The Connection Between Europe, Asia, And The New World753 Words   |  4 PagesTrade is very important part of a countries economy. For example, the New World brought many new economic opportunities to the countries willing to explore and conquer. With Portugal and Spain’s explorations to the new world, inspired the world to explore in search of riches. The Spanish and Portuguese sailed across the Atlantic, Indian, and the Pacific Ocean. The English, French, and Dutch would follow in footsteps of the Spanish and Portuguese in the sixteenth century. By 1500, many discoveries

Saturday, December 21, 2019

With Time, All Things Change - 1800 Words

Priscilla Etim ENGL 2328 Dr. Lisa Kirby May 4, 2017 TITLE With time, all things change. Ever since the beginning of time, man always seeks to revolutionize the normal standards of living by upgrading the obsolete ideas of the past to a modernized style of the according decade. Beginning from the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 to the creation of first Apple iPhone by founder Steve Jobs in 2007, time continues to progress the mentalities of individuals every day. However, not every man invites change as easily. After World War 1, many individuals, especially those who had served in the war, were fazed by the hallucinatory horrors of the war. In order to satisfy the ungratifying gruesome terrors of World War 1,†¦show more content†¦His theories are all directly or indirectly concerned with the nature of the unconscious mind. Like psychoanalysis, the criticism seeks to find evidence of unresolved emotions, psychological conflicts, guilt, ambivalences, etc. within a literary work. Fitzgerald’s complex interpretations of characters in â€Å"The Great Gatsby† elaborates on the perplexed societal lifestyle individuals have chosen to adapt to after the war. From the beginning of Fitzgerald’s novel, the narrator introduces himself to the audience as Nick Carraway, a Minnesota native who moves to West Egg with dreams of finding a job in the bond business. Nick Carraway’s perspective of dramatic events within Fitzgerald’s novel reflects the unsettling nature of American lives during this time period. Nick’s self-inflicted perspective ultimately changes due to the unwavering, insistent protagonist, Jay Gatsby. Gatsby’s personal ambitions of leaving behind his unsatisfactory past for a life flowing with endless riches will lead to his ultimate demise. Now as a rich entrepreneur, he wishes to rekindle his relationship with Daisy Buchanan and create a legacy that would never reflect this unfortunate past. However, the Gats by’s ambiguous personality correlates to his expertly devised plan for Daisy’s hand in marriage. In â€Å"A Psychoanalytic Attitude to The Great Gatsby†, authors A. Mojtaba Gholipour and B. Mina Sanahmadi introduces the reasons forShow MoreRelatedPersistence and Qualitative Change837 Words   |  4 Pagesqualitative change The metaphysical idea of and object persisting over time brings rise to a lot of debate on how we can properly identify a thing as it experiences qualitative change over time. The main issue that arises when talking about persistence over time is whether we can identify the initial thing we are observing as a different entity as time progresses and it undergoes qualitative change. 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Majority of them will read and enjoy all types of poem, but they have their own opinions. The new, has to be truly unique to the author and to the time period. Shakespeare still had plays that we study, but it is hard to comprehend the message behind the words. Worlds change and the literatures change withRead MoreClimate Change Is A Very Controversial Topic, Not Only1127 Words   |  5 Pages Climate Change is a very controversial topic, not only in The United States, but in various places around the world. Some people say that it is a hoax, and others put it on the top of their priority list, along with abortions, terrorism and other important topics circulating around the world. Magnum in Motion did a very good and detailed job of swaying people to believe that climate change needs to be a more precedent issue. 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All types of change, it can be physical, psychological, social, and people even change on a chemical level. Adolescence is also a time that people start to find themselves and they are able to make their own choices and become their own person. It is a very crucial period in an individual’s life because it is the moment to become independent, orRead MoreClimate Change : Global Warming, And The Disappearing Of The Ozone Layer862 Words   |  4 PagesDid you know that with all this talk about global warming, and the disappearing of the ozone layer, the root of the problem is us? Yes, we’re the cause of all those problems. We keep putting something called greenhouse gases into the air. A few greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane. While some climate change is natural, humans need to be careful about greenhouse g ases because ecosystems are changing, sea levels are rising, and global average temperature increased by more than

Friday, December 13, 2019

Audit Working Paper Checklist Free Essays

AUDIT WORKING PAPER CHECK LIST 1. Appointment Letter 2. Management Representation 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Audit Working Paper Checklist or any similar topic only for you Order Now Cash Certificate 4. Final Trial Balance 5. Draft Financial Statements. 6. Bank Reconciliation and Bank Statements at the year end and month following the balance sheet date. 7. Photocopy of Challan for Deposit of Statutory Dues outstanding at the year end. 8. Photocopies Challan for deposit of Labour Dues. 9. Evidence for Exchange rate adopted for translation at the close of the year. 10. Photocopy of Bills evidencing additions to Fixed Assets with ledger prints outs. 1. Quantitative details of Raw material Work in progress and Finished Goods stock and certificate of Physical verification and stock on hand. 12. Ledger print out of inventory quantities at year end. 13. Excise Duty rates of finished goods adopted for valuation of stock. 14. Photocopy of TDS returns with annexure 15. Photocopy of Excise return with annexure 16. Photocopy of Service Tax Return. 17. Photocopy of Advance Tax /FBT Challan/TDS Certificates 18. Confirmation of Loans Outstanding. 19. Confirmations – De btors Creditors advances. 0. Ledger print of unsecured loans. 21. Ledger print out of ESI/PF recoveries and deposits. 22. Certificate of Actuarial Valuations for retirement and long term benefit provisions. 23. Ledger print of Cenvat credits. 24. Reconciliation of Excise/ Cenvat as per Excise and Financial records. 25. Worksheet for valuation of raw and finished stock. With photocopy of last bills if on FIFO Basis 26. In case of working capital limits copies loan sanction letters 27. Evidence for payment of Bonus out standing. 8. Details of Provisions made at the year end with copies of bills 29. Photocopies of Fixed deposit receipts outstanding. 30. Note on reasons for significant variation in Income and Expense head wise. 31. Details of Foreign currency Asset and Liabilites 32. Details of Forward contracts in foreign currency outstanding 33. Details any offices opened out of India In case of Corporate Entities following additional Documents required 1. Copy of resolution for incre ase in authorized capital if any. 2. Copy forms filed for increase in authorized capital. 3. Copy of return of allotment in case increase in paid up share capital. 4. In case of working capital limits copies loan sanction letter and copy of form 8 13 5. Certificate as to occurrences of any fraud during the year. 6. Photocopy of Advance Tax /FBT /Dividend Tax /wealth tax challan/TDS Certificates 7. Copy of annual return filed under companies Act. 8. Confirmation as to change in shareholding as on date of balance sheet in relation to previous year 9. List of debtors with debtors outstanding for more than six months. 10. List of related party with details of transaction 11. Copy of Actuarial Valuation report with details of assumptions. 12. Quantitative details of Purchase sale and stock as per schedule VI 13. Expenditure and Income in Foreign Currency 14. Details of Managerial Remuneration. 15. Details of Payment made to Auditors 16. Details of Book value and market Values in case of investments 17. Audited Balance sheet and report of Subsidiary associates and Joint venture companies. How to cite Audit Working Paper Checklist, Essay examples