Friday, December 13, 2019

Audit Working Paper Checklist Free Essays

AUDIT WORKING PAPER CHECK LIST 1. Appointment Letter 2. Management Representation 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Audit Working Paper Checklist or any similar topic only for you Order Now Cash Certificate 4. Final Trial Balance 5. Draft Financial Statements. 6. Bank Reconciliation and Bank Statements at the year end and month following the balance sheet date. 7. Photocopy of Challan for Deposit of Statutory Dues outstanding at the year end. 8. Photocopies Challan for deposit of Labour Dues. 9. Evidence for Exchange rate adopted for translation at the close of the year. 10. Photocopy of Bills evidencing additions to Fixed Assets with ledger prints outs. 1. Quantitative details of Raw material Work in progress and Finished Goods stock and certificate of Physical verification and stock on hand. 12. Ledger print out of inventory quantities at year end. 13. Excise Duty rates of finished goods adopted for valuation of stock. 14. Photocopy of TDS returns with annexure 15. Photocopy of Excise return with annexure 16. Photocopy of Service Tax Return. 17. Photocopy of Advance Tax /FBT Challan/TDS Certificates 18. Confirmation of Loans Outstanding. 19. Confirmations – De btors Creditors advances. 0. Ledger print of unsecured loans. 21. Ledger print out of ESI/PF recoveries and deposits. 22. Certificate of Actuarial Valuations for retirement and long term benefit provisions. 23. Ledger print of Cenvat credits. 24. Reconciliation of Excise/ Cenvat as per Excise and Financial records. 25. Worksheet for valuation of raw and finished stock. With photocopy of last bills if on FIFO Basis 26. In case of working capital limits copies loan sanction letters 27. Evidence for payment of Bonus out standing. 8. Details of Provisions made at the year end with copies of bills 29. Photocopies of Fixed deposit receipts outstanding. 30. Note on reasons for significant variation in Income and Expense head wise. 31. Details of Foreign currency Asset and Liabilites 32. Details of Forward contracts in foreign currency outstanding 33. Details any offices opened out of India In case of Corporate Entities following additional Documents required 1. Copy of resolution for incre ase in authorized capital if any. 2. Copy forms filed for increase in authorized capital. 3. Copy of return of allotment in case increase in paid up share capital. 4. In case of working capital limits copies loan sanction letter and copy of form 8 13 5. Certificate as to occurrences of any fraud during the year. 6. Photocopy of Advance Tax /FBT /Dividend Tax /wealth tax challan/TDS Certificates 7. Copy of annual return filed under companies Act. 8. Confirmation as to change in shareholding as on date of balance sheet in relation to previous year 9. List of debtors with debtors outstanding for more than six months. 10. List of related party with details of transaction 11. Copy of Actuarial Valuation report with details of assumptions. 12. Quantitative details of Purchase sale and stock as per schedule VI 13. Expenditure and Income in Foreign Currency 14. Details of Managerial Remuneration. 15. Details of Payment made to Auditors 16. Details of Book value and market Values in case of investments 17. Audited Balance sheet and report of Subsidiary associates and Joint venture companies. How to cite Audit Working Paper Checklist, Essay examples

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