Monday, February 10, 2020

Gender Differences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Gender Differences - Essay Example The preparation and the aftermath of any of the above mentioned occurrences requires special planning and assistance. The research will show that due to our "classic conditioning", we are systematically excluding a segment of our population from participating in an all important undertaking. The literature will use the educational system to show how we view gender, and how this time honored perception skews the method and attitude of instruction and attention, in fostering a mere tolerance, and not an equal commitment to the presence of girls in the classroom. The fact that gender differences in the classroom is not viewed as a significant entity, is stunting the growth and denying the full potential of a majority of the school age population. Additionally, the literature will also address the gap and the absence of ethnic gender diversity considerations in the educational system. The system addresses this matter as if the low income minority female is present in the classroom, only to bide her time, until something else comes along. She receives little credit for her achievements and given only casual acknowledgment for her efforts. The literature sets out to highlight the existence of gender differences and whether the presence of these differences is fertile ground for bias. And whether the bias results in a disadvantage for any of the groups affected. Is it a fact that boys are educated differently from girls, and if so, does the advantage have a positive or negative impact on the achievement of the gender or race of those without the advantage. Are remedial measures necessary to assist in obtaining gender and ethnic equality The review clearly points out the existence of gaps in standardized test scores among various students classifications, for example, a Caucasian female student who has a high GPA will invariably score, on average, 30 points less than her Caucasian counterpart on the SAT. Even if the male has a lower GPA than the female, his scores will be higher than the female.This phenomenon is so pervasive until college admission officers have adopted a policy to make a 30 point allowance between male and female scores when making admission decisions. 2.0 CHAPTER TWO 2.1 GENDER IDENTITY Gender identity is the individuals private experience of his/her gender; the concept of the self as masculine or feminine. This is such an important part of a person's self concept that in most adults it is virtually impossible to change it. There are several different perspectives on how gender identity is formed and this writer finds the following concepts the most appropriate; psychoanalytical, social learning, and cognitive development.Psychoanalytical theory describes a process in which the young child identifies3 with the same sex parent. She internalizes the characteristics and behavior styles of that parent and begin unconsciously to react in similar ways; Social Learning theory suggests that the child develops a gender identity through a learning process that involves modeling, imitation and reinforcement. The theory rests on the assumption that boys learn to be boys and girls to be

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