Saturday, March 14, 2020

People are determined to find a way to categorize books as

People are determined to find a way to categorize books as great or not. It is impossible to come up with a set of guidelines and requirements that will enable us to dub a book as great. Everyones view point is different. We have brought up the considerations of the book serving its purpose, and how important that purpose is. For a book to be great it should accomplish what it set out to do. It would be a rare thing for an author to accidently come out with something great. The importance of the purpose is a subjective topic. What is pertinent to one may not be to another. The subject matter does not need to be dark and heavy for a book to be effective. A great piece of literature should have you walk away affected. There is no way you will be able to come to a general consensus on whether a book is great or not. Literature is based on a personal relationship between the reader and the novel. I found Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov, to be a great book. Simply, it is a work of art. Nabokov uses such beautiful language. His poetry manages to make the reader strangely comfortable with a sinister situation. It is able to make you sympathize with someone you would not normally. This book also goes deeper, showing the complexities of The names of characters in the book show the duality in themselves. They have repetitious names such as Humbert Humbert and J.R.,Jr. These represent the competing natures within everyone. Throughout the book Humbert professes his unconditional love for Lolita. He assumes the role of a parent, even buying books on how to raise children. At the same time, though, he pays her for sexual favors. Every human being has desires which clash with what is accepted by society. What distinguishes Humbert from the majority is that he acts upon them. In Humbert we find a man with qualities we can all relate to. At ...

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